Catered lunch
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
Clanmore’s in-house catered lunch program
Required for children under the age four who stay for the whole day. Optional for all others, capacity permitting.
Quality ingredients
We are committed to using the highest quality of food items in our program. Every Friday we take delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables and on Mondays delivery of whatever meat we need for the week. Fresh white whole chicken breasts, lean ground beef, triple AAA beef tenderloin for the beef and broccoli stir fry, whole cooked hams, beef sausages. All items are strictly government inspected and graded.
We are very proud of the fact that wherever possible and feasible the majority of our lunch items are made from scratch using pure, whole foods. We are inspected regularly by the Health Department.
Full disclosure
We do have several items that are pre-prepared; chicken balls and Highliner fish fingers for example. Both were chosen for the high quality of ingredients used. It is necessary to have several backup lunches available from the freezer in event that the kitchen staff are absent from school.
Our approach
We like to give the children a variety of foods, keeping in mind that “treat” foods in moderation are part of life. We use pancake pans that emboss the made-from-scratch pancakes with zoo animals and snowflakes, and biscuit cutters in the shapes of teddy bears and hearts. We do so always with the intent that food should be fun. We want to help the children to have a healthy relationship with food.
Nutritional experts say we should have a diet full of the most vibrantly coloured fruits and vegetables because they contain the highest levels of antioxidants and vitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables accompany lunch every day, for every classroom.
When the fully loaded lunch trolley, packed with an amazing variety of beautifully prepared, vibrantly coloured foods, leaves the kitchen each day, we are filled with pride. Pride because we know the quality, care and love that goes into this program.
Our In-house Lunch Program – Behind the Scenes: The main event READ THE BLOG POST

Development of
the whole child
Clanmore offers programming from Toddler
to Middle School designed to complement
the Montessori philosophy.

Montessori plus
French, music, art, gym, and more.