Getting started
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
A great first step is to attend our Saturday Fall Open House, held annually each Fall from 10am-2pm.
Feel free to drop-in at the time which suits you best. Children are more than welcome to attend. During our Open Houses, the classrooms are open for viewing, staff are on hand to answer questions, and informative handouts are available to take with you.
Additional Open House dates may be added in February and, on occasion, in April.
March 29, 2025
The general framework of our Tour and Intake Process is set-out below. This process may be modified based on individual circumstances as discussed with our Program Representatives.
Intake process
TODDLER (18 months-3 years)
First Connection
Open House Visit or Tour
Second Connection
Classroom Observation during the toddler work cycle which takes place in the morning. This is a 15 minute observation to see what a typical day looks like followed by a discussion to answer any questions. Adults only, please.
Application for Admission
An application for enrollment may be requested after completing the Tour and Intake process. Process outlined above. Application packages are available through our intake representatives.
Non-Refundable Deposits
Please note, deposit cheques/e-transfers will only be cashed/claimed upon an offer of admission from Clanmore; thereafter tuition is non-refundable, regardless of absence, transfer or withdrawal.
Wait Pool
All submitted applications for admission will be considered for any suitable spot which is available after internal re-enrolment is complete (end of January annually). Once these spots are filled, applications may be withdrawn or remain in our Wait Pool should additional spots become available prior to the start of the school year.

CASA (3-6 years)
First Connection
Open House Visit or Zoom Conversation
Second Connection:
School Visit or Zoom Conversation (if Open House was attended)
Child Visit
We invite prospective Casa students to join the process. This may be done by attending our Open House or we can arrange the school visit in a manner which suits your child’s schedule.
Application for Admission
An enrolment application may be requested after completing the Tour and Intake Process outlined above. Application packages are available through our intake representatives.
Non-Refundable Deposits
Please note, deposit cheques/e-transfers will only be cashed/claimed upon an offer of admission from Clanmore; thereafter tuition is non-refundable, regardless of absence, transfer or withdrawal.
Wait Pool
All submitted applications for admission will be considered for any suitable spot which is available after internal re-enrolment is complete (end of January annually). Once these spots are filled, applications may be withdrawn or remain in our Wait Pool should additional spots become available prior to the start of the school year.

ELEMENTARY – Lower Elementary (6-9 years) and Upper Elementary (9-12 years)
First Connection (Tour Visit)
Tours of our school and Elementary program may happen at Open Houses or on an individual basis as requested by interested families.
Individual tours are adults only please, although infants are welcome. Children, of course, are welcome to attend our Open Houses.
Second Connection (Classroom Observation)
Observations happen within school hours, typically during the morning work cycle. This is an opportunity to envision what a day in one of our Elementary classrooms might look like. (Adults only please.)
Child Visit
Depending on the age of your child the visit to Clanmore could be for a morning or a whole day. Your child will be welcomed into one of our classrooms and they will immerse themselves in a typical school day. The classroom teachers will observe, interact and work with your child during this time.
Application for Admission
After the above steps are completed, and both school and parents wish to proceed, an application package will be offered. Offers of acceptance of completed applications returned to Clanmore by the agreed deadline, are predicated on the availability of a suitable spot.
Non-Refundable Deposits
Please note, deposit cheques/e-transfers will only be cashed/claimed upon an offer of admission from Clanmore; thereafter tuition is non-refundable, regardless of absence, transfer or withdrawal.

First Connection (Guided Tour of the School by a Member of the Intake Team)
Tours of our school may happen at Open Houses or on an individual basis as requested by interested families.
Individual tours are adults only please, although infants are welcome. Children/Adolencents, of course, are welcome to attend our Open Houses.
Second Connection (Parent Invitation to Lunch with the Middle School)
An opportunity to meet the Middle School community while enjoying one of the delicious lunches that they students prepare daily. You will meet with Middle School Coordinator for discussion about the program.
Student Visit
Invitation extended for a student visit day.
Application Process
Parent and student application process with sample work and prior report cards.
Follow-Up Meeting(s)
When necessary
Application Approval/Decline
Non-Refundable Deposits
Please note, deposit cheques/e-transfers will only be cashed/claimed upon an offer of admission from Clanmore; thereafter tuition is non-refundable, regardless of absence, transfer or withdrawal.