If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
Clanmore Montessori School
2463 Lakeshore Road East
Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1M7
Tel: 905-337-8283
Clanmore Montessori School
2463 Lakeshore Road East
Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1M7
2463 Lakeshore Road East
Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1M7
Tel: 905-337-8283
Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way Clanmore Montessori School provides goods and services to persons with disabilities may do so in writing to the address above, or by entering feedback in the Questions or Comments box. All feedback should be directed to Grace Kidney or Cathy Sustronk. Customers may expect a response within 30 days.

Keeping It Real
Extending Montessori In Your HomeThere has been much media coverage lately about the impact of technology, and its attendant devices, on all of us, but most poignantly its impact on the very young. Montessori pedagogy tells us that...