Choir co-curricular begins

Choir (Tuesday's  April 16th - June 4th)children will meet Rachel Stewart in the Lower Library at 3:45 PM for a snack and then go up to the Gym at 4:00PM. 

Choir co-curricular

Choir (Tuesday's  April 16th - June 4th)children will meet Rachel Stewart in the Lower Library at 3:45 PM for a snack and then go up to the Gym at 4:00PM. 

Basketball co-curricular

BasketBall  (Wednesday's April 17th - June 5h )children will meet Andi Mak in the Lower Library at 3:45 PM for a snack and then go up to the Gym at 4:00 PM.

Parents Invited: Lower Elementary Brisk Walk

Dear Lower East and Lower West Parents,We are looking forward to having you join us for our brisk walk this Friday, May 31st. We will be starting the walk at 9:15 am due to a presentation that is being given to the students of Lower East and Lower West. We will meet you at our usual spot before we […]