Our difference
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
Clanmore Montessori has been a part of our family for many years. We have had the privilege of experiencing an authentic Montessori programme in an aesthetically pleasing, natural environment. The teachers know and see the best in the children and are caring and loving while providing rich learning opportunities. Together, with likeminded parents who appreciate the unique nature and quality of programming at Clanmore, we have a beautiful community that cannot be found elsewhere.
The Warrens, Parents
Clanmore is a very special place of becoming. Children not only develop a passion for learning how to learn, but are invited to discover more of who they are uniquely created to be. At Clanmore, children go beyond informational learning to develop the emotional, social and practical life skills they need to thrive. It is a Montessori program unique to our area in its holistic and mindful nurturing of the child at every stage of development; from toddler to teen. As a legacy parent of a Clanmore graduate — and with another still in the elementary program — I am deeply confident in the choice to invest in my children’s education in partnership with Clanmore. They have developed skills and been offered experiences they would not have had anywhere else. Their confidence, curiosity, compassion, joy and passion for excellence are all the proof I need that we are in the right place!
Sarah Walker, Parent
Clanmore is a place for the true education, helping kids to find their best selves and prepare for the life!
Jianping Jiang, Parent
As a parent, I am thrilled with the education my children are receiving at clanmore. The teachers and staff are incredibly supportive and responsive to each student’s unique needs, creating a safe and progressive classroom environment. The school’s close-knit community of families fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion that is invaluable for children’s development. I appreciate how Clanmore challenges my children to take responsibility and become more independent, preparing them for success in the future. Overall, I couldn’t be happier with the education my children are receiving and highly recommend Clanmore to any parent looking for an exceptional learning experience for their kids.
Patrick Lewis, Parent
As an alumnus of Clanmore, I can confidently say that it was an incredible foundation for my academic and personal growth. The Montessori approach fostered my creativity, critical thinking, and independence. The teachers were patient, kind, and passionate about their craft, always willing to go above and beyond to help us succeed. The community was inclusive and supportive. I made lifelong friends there. The curriculum was well-rounded, covering subjects from languages to music, preparing me for the rigorous academic demands of high school and beyond. Clanmore is a remarkable institution that provided me with an excellent start in life.
Gabriel Kerr, Clanmore Graduate
The teachers at Clanmore are as much mentors in character development, leadership, personal responsibility and social graces as they are instructors in academic learning. More than just checking off academic boxes, they are focused on igniting a passion for the process of learning which will fuel a lifetime of wonder, exploration, and personal development. The teaching staff at Clanmore are passionately invested in the whole person — your whole child — making Clanmore the safest and most nourishing place for your child to be when they are not with you.
Sarah Walker, Parent
Our experience with Clanmore began over a decade ago. We wanted a school that offered our boys a welcoming, nurturing and relevantly challenging environment. They would be guided in listening with curiosity, behaving with integrity, communicating with honesty, and understanding that empathy is key to a good life. Their individuality would be honoured and they would learn the power of a collaborative community. Clanmore delivered! Our kids are resilient, accountable, madly curious and thoroughly prepared for their life journey.
Kate & Don Kerr, Parents
We all care about our kids, their happiness, health, security and education. They are, of course, the most important people in our lives. This is one of the reasons they attend Clanmore. We all love the Montessori style of education whereby the children are guided to freely flourish both academically and personally. At Clanmore, this care of the child goes one stage further and we have all witnessed the special nurturing, warm environment where we safely and contentedly leave our children daily.
Clanmore. It is here, that children dream and make of their days a map of their future… Step by step they evolve into the beautiful young people we know them to be… Their voices carry with them the echo of a time when they were here. The memory of these years forever etched into their heart. There are no words to define such times, such people. Those who have played a role in the making of who our children have become.
Jo Kemp, Parent
When I was a student at Clanmore one of the many phrases that we had was “the little school with the big heart”. Although the school has grown ten times over, they still are able to keep this atmosphere at its core. The teachers at Clanmore have a fantastic ability to connect with students, and create a learning plan that best suits every individual. This kind of experience is difficult to come by. The teachers and faculty at Clanmore have really mastered creating a wholesome experience that makes coming to school so positive and special.
Clanmore is a fantastic foundation for any student. The Montessori teaching style is one that teaches not only the basics of education, but so much more. It is a learning style that values every student as individuals, and one that I believe should be the most common form of learning in all public school systems. Clanmore is the place where Montessori is done best. This school taught learning and problem solving skills that I value and have used in every education level to follow. If you are looking for a place that your child can grow, learn, and develop into a magnificent individual… Clanmore is most definitley the place. Visiting feels like coming home.I will always wish there was a Clanmore High School and University.
Emily Johnson, Alumni
We initially thought that our son would just be at Clanmore Montessori School for just the early years, but there are a few things that stuck out about the school that we loved.
Within the year, we brought our other three daughters over from their original schools to Clanmore. The key difference between Clanmore and other types of education is that the child is part of the education process.
I noticed at Clanmore Montessori School that they have a good understanding of the different stages of child development but they do hold students accountable. I love that they do that and work with them to fix their mistakes. One of my daughters made a mistake at Clanmore and needed to fix it. She actually broke a window, and rather than being shamed, she was asked to come in on the weekend. So she had to take time off of her tennis lesson that she loved and fix the window. She went with one of Clanmore Montessori School’s owners to Home Depot, and they fixed the window, and she made amends. Now, years later, I see her in the garage doing woodwork. (transcript from a video testimonial)
Sheridan McLelland, Parent
Clanmore Montessori School is a beautiful, small school. When I walked in, it felt so warm and inviting. I just knew as soon as I walked in that it was the right choice. My son loved Clanmore Montessori School
Over the years I saw his confidence build. He has quiet leadership. He has confidence in himself. He’s confident in what he says, and he has good self-esteem. Those are all really important. I think the climate at Clanmore Montessori School had a lot to do with that, because they really look at the child and they nurture the child.I have my complete trust in all the staff members at Clanmore Montessori School. It’s a small community, and it really speaks to the school and the entire staff at the school when every single teacher knows your child’s name. Clanmore Montessori School being small is part of its charm, and part of why you send your child there is because you like that small, tight-knit community. (transcript from a video testimonial)
Pauline Cheng, Parent
Clanmore was a context in which creative and diverse styles of learning were encouraged and fostered, allowing for a very personalized and experiential education. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn and accelerate at my own pace, while still learning how to collaborate as a part of an academic and social community.
Noah Walker, Clanmore Graduate

She loves going to school. She loves the activities, the kids and the teachers. She begs me every morning, even on the weekends, to go to school. I have never seen a group of teachers that work so nicely together. It is clear they love their job and the kids. They are always patient and understanding.
They teach to your child’s level not necessarily just the grade. If they need more time on a lesson they are given it. Likewise if they excel in an area they are given more challenging work. The students are given every opportunity to succeed. My daughter absolutely loves Clanmore. She has been to another program and cried almost every day when I dropped her off. At Clanmore, even on the first day, she smiled and waved bye to me and was happy to go with the teachers. The teachers come to your home before school starts to meet the students so they are comfortable with them from the first day. Amazing experience.
Karen Kafel, Parent
I took a considered approach in enrolling my toddler into his first school environment, especially after COVID. The teachers and administration at Clanmore are wonderful, easy to communicate with and truly care about the whole development of the child. I credit much of his growth, both educationally and socially to the exemplary toddler team and look forward to his continued time at the school.
Crystal Sutherland, Parent

After visiting over 6 schools, we are so grateful to have found Clanmore for our son. So far, he has enjoyed two years in the Casa program, and we have seen him excel in so many ways. He seems to be thriving in the Montessori environment and the teachers are extremely conscientious of what goes on day to day. We feel that this school is more like a family and we look forward to his continued long-term education at Clanmore.
Heather Ballentine, Parent
When we first came upon Clanmore Montessori, I could never have imagined that it would become such a special part of our lives. Our daughter has been attending Clanmore since age 3, and even with the chaos of the pandemic years, this incredible little institution has already made such an impact on her. Clanmore is an exceptional educational establishment, fostering foundational human qualities of honesty, courage, self-awareness, and respect. We had intended to have her transfer out of Clanmore at the start of grade 1, and now we find ourselves committed to supporting her through her elementary years here because we couldn’t possibly justify leaving.
Catherine Cabral-Marotta, Parent
Our experience with Clanmore has been nothing short of exceptional. Diya’s class teachers (Casa North, Ms. Calderone and Ms. Roberts) have been incredible. Their genuine care, attention, and dedication are truly commendable. Clanmore thrives on the strength of its academic expertise and its friendly and supportive staff. The entire school staff contributes to creating an environment that is nurturing and conducive to learning. Even though we commute for 20 minutes one way every day, it has never felt like a burden; We cherish these journeys as they lead us to a place we have grown to love. We couldn’t have asked for a better place for our children to learn and grow.
Logini & Senthuran, Parents
Clanmore checks off all the important priorities: skilled and compassionate teachers, a mastery of Montessori in all that they do, a beautiful space for learning, and excellent teacher to student ratios. But the magic of Clamore is in the intangible. It’s the sense of belonging, the thrill of learning, the creativity, instilling confidence, independence, and an awe of nature that set this small but mighty school apart.
Rena Bast, Parent
After recently relocating to Oakville from Australia we were so grateful to find Clanmore. Our daughter immediately settled into the Casa room and she has delighted in the kindness she has received from all of her new friends and teachers.
The enrolment process and our introduction to the school was facilitated seamlessly, allowing us to feel confident in the wholesome education our daughter will receive in a beautiful environment.
Karen Badenhope, Parent

Clanmore may be a small school, but I think it’s better for these events [PSAA Track & Field Meet]. Most big schools are like thin thread just merely tied together, but at Clanmore, it’s one ball of thread that’s tightly compacted. Clanmore is a team and that’s what I love.
Ella Chen, Upper Elementary Student

Clanmore Montessori School has shaped the way that I grew up so drastically and has benefitted me through my life into adulthood. My Montessori teacher/mom put me and my sister in Montessori from Casa until Year 8 and I attended Clanmore from Grades 4-8. The way that Clanmore handled conflict resolution and taught me about relationships and friendships has made me a more kind and loving person. The way I was taught was so beneficial and helped me grow in every aspect of my life. I gained so many incredible life changing experiences from being in the Elementary and Middle School Program. From the canoe trips, to the Crossroads Cafe and the micro economy, and getting to present my resolution speech to the United Nations at the MMUN conference, I loved waking up to go to school and to learn.
Clanmore gave me passion for my education. I would not be the same person or have the same passions and skills that I do, had I grown up in Clanmore and around such a wonderful community.
Zoë Wright, Graduate
We don’t exaggerate when we say that enrolling our kids in Clanmore was the best decision we have ever made for our children. Our daughter is currently in year 3 and our son is in year 7.
Our children (for the most part!) are responsible, outgoing, and friendly and they interact with their peers and adults very well. This is a testament to their teachers, the values that Clanmore teaches and the overall feel of the entire school community.
The first thing we noticed when we entered the school is that everyone we met (admin staff, teachers, chefs, etc) was happy, friendly and genuinely seemed like they love their jobs.
The school itself is perfectly organized in the Montessori way and promotes a healthy and uncluttered learning environment. I particularly love the restitution teaching which encourages children to solve their own disagreements and teaches independent yet supported problem-solving
The parent community is warm, welcoming and completely void of any negative chatter. In our experience, parents are united in their belief in the Montessori system and happily work together to provide a nurturing environment for their kids.
Finally, the middle school program is second to none. Children in grades 7 and 8 are given a refreshing level of responsibility that has made a huge difference in our son’s maturity. Children plan, shop for, travel to the grocery store and make their own lunches every day. They have a cafe that they manage and various micro-economies that they are responsible for. Projects are largely independent yet supported in every way by their guides.
We could go on forever, but in short, if you could picture the perfect education system and environment rolled into one, Clanmore is it!
Lindsay and James Duncan, Parents
The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Clanmore (Students, 12 years)
We are Clanmore. That is what I will tell you. Here at Clanmore we are a family. We look out for each other and we include each other. The teachers are helpful, enthusiastic, caring, and kind. We are the future pilots, teachers, scientists, marine biologists, and investment bankers. Who are we? We are Clanmore.
What is Clanmore to you? It is great, fun, friendly, loving, awesome, helpful or even the best school ever? In my opinion it’s the best school ever, I get excited to go to school, and I’m ready to see the more awesome teachers and friends. I want to work and play at Clanmore. I love Clanore and you should too!
When I am at Clanmore I feel like I am accepted into a whole new community. It is basically an extensionof home. When I walk into the doors of Clanmore I feel like warm and fuzzy. When I am at Clanmore I am learning, yet I’m still having fun. When I am an adult I will always have Clanmore in my heart. Clanmore has supplied me with fairness, generosity, independence, and has made me many friends. I love Clanmore.
When we were choosing the topics we would talk about I ended up with ‘where’. At first I thought, “This will be easy,” we go to school in a building that used to be farm house, but when I thought some more, it’s really not that simple. So, where? Where will we go after Clanmore? Wonderful places I’m sure. When I asked my friends in my class what they wanted to be: an animator, a soccer player, a dancer, a marine biologist, and an author, just to name a few, all these beautiful dreams to follow. Clanmore has given me friendship, confidence, courage, and leadership. I will take these gifts with me no matter ‘where’ I go to follow my dreams.
Have people ever asked you why Clanmore? Well Clanmore teaches divergence, meaning that you learn to think independently, and learn to figure out your own solution to a problem. Learning how to figure out a problem your own way is a crucial part of growing up because no matter how hard you try you will one day get into a conflict and you’ll have the tools to fix that problem. Restitution. Where can I start…In restitution there is safety, peace, respect, truth, forgiveness, loving and helping one another, and learning and working, oh and how can we forget in my mind the most important one…fun. All those things are key factors of growing up to be nice, caring, safe, truthful, and smart. That’s why I love CLANMORE!!!!!!!! Thank ya thank ya thank ya very much.
Clanmore teaches so many wonderful things. Clanmore works in a way where everyone feels like one family. Clanmore works so that you can work independently. You can fix a problem with help from a teacher. I feel iike I belong to a community full of friends where you can work, feel loved, and have fun. It really does feel like a family. Most kids don’t like school. I think what’s the point of going if you’re not having fun. I enjoy coming here. I think of it as a part of my home. Clanmore is such a great school. I love Clanmore.
“It takes a lot for a teacher to give children the freedom to choose. She let’s us have it because she trust us to make the right decisions and more of the time we do….My teachers always say ‘We would never let you go out in the world unprepared’ and I think they are right.”
Mimi, 12 years
“School is like building a house. You dig a basement, and slowly build the first floor, and slowly a second floor, and then a roof, and eventually you can use it to live.”
James, 12 years
“What happens when these
kids enter the “real world”
of education? How are they going to adjust?” WE ANSWER

Development of
the whole child
Clanmore offers programming from Toddler
to Middle School designed to complement
the Montessori philosophy.