Parent portal
Frequently asked questions
If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.

If you are interested in exploring Clanmore as an option for your family, a good first step would be to attend one of our Open Houses.
Classroom observations are available from November-May. Simply send an email to with the classroom(s) you would like to observe and any preferred dates. We will do our best to accommodate your requested date(s) whenever possible. Typically observations are for 20 minutes. You are most welcome to book observations throughout the year, and we hope you do so.
If you wish to send in a birthday snack, please send only one food item per child. Keep it simple, healthy, nut-free, and commercially prepared. For your convenience, we repeat our policy regarding food coming into the school below.
Anaphylaxis, Food, and Celebrations
It is Clanmore’s policy that no peanuts or nuts be brought into the school, as there are children with life-threatening allergies at all levels.
If you wish to send in baked goods to be shared with others, the school requires that baked goods come from one of four bakeries which have been identified as peanut and tree-nut-free. Please see below for the names and website links of these bakeries.
Alternately, we will accept items from the grocery store (for example, commercially packaged cookies not baked by the store) provided they are clearly labeled by the vendor with ingredients and warnings clearly visible. The school will not accept any items that list peanuts/nuts as ingredients, are labeled “may contain” peanuts/nuts, or “is manufactured in a facility” that handles peanuts/nuts.
If you would prefer not to send food for celebrations that is just fine. Unfortunately, are not able to accept or hand out loot bags in school as they present difficulty in verifying contents.
Peanut / Nut Free Bakeries
In Oakville
Sugar Sweet Cakes (also gluten-free and vegan options available)
Cupid’s Gourmet Bakery
In Mississauga
Eat My Sweets Bakery
Swirls Mississauga
Mostly, we love it when the young Casa children wear what is comfortable and manageable. This will help with your child’s independence.
The staff at InSchoolwear will provide guidance, but here are a few additional thoughts. You may want to purchase a few items that are either roomy or in a couple of different sizes, to allow for growth. Shorts, dresses, and short sleeves will be best at the beginning of the year; long sleeves and pants with an elastic waist will be best for cooler weather. Choose items that allow for the possibility of layers.
The shoes that you provide for everyday indoor wear should be comfortable and ones that your child can manage on their own.
The children spend plenty of time working on the floor, so anything hard and stiff will not work. We prefer a dark shoe – black is not necessary – but no flashing lights, please!
As for ‘formal’ days, those are usually reserved for days such as photo day.
In a nutshell, our goal is comfort and ‘uniformity’ in the classroom.
Our Parent Association is the perfect place to ask this question. Better yet, if no sale is planned perhaps you might like to spearhead such an event. Reach out to
You will find all class lists conveniently located here in our parent portal.
You have a couple of options:
We ask that you do your best to make appointments outside of school hours. Of course, this is not always possible, we understand. The best time to arrive / pick-up in order to avoid the regular arrival and dismissal lines is after 9:15am and before 3pm. Outside of regular school hours, arrivals are at the main door. Typically early dismissals are from here as well.
For our Casa and Elementary students, yes (space permitting). Unfortunately there is no space for the 2023-2024 school year for occasional care. Send an email with your request as early as you can to avoid disappointment.
If you know that your needs may be fairly frequent, you may wish to consider enrolling for extended/partial extended day. This will guarantee a spot in the program whether you use it daily or not.
Annually you will receive an email with a link to request a tax receipt. Receipts are sent out in February to the requesting partner/spouse.
The best place to start is to attend Parent Association meetings to get more information there. We love to have our parents get involved for as little or as much time they are able. All participation is welcome, as are new ideas. Our Parent Assication has it’s own contact information: and maintains a presence on Instagram. Take a look: @clanmore_pa
Our lunch program is indeed popular. We have a capped maximum due to kitchen space limitations. By regulation, we must first offer spots to our full day toddler and 1st year Casa students. Thereafter space is available on a first-come basis. We recommend getting your re-enrollment forms completed early to ensure a spot in the program. If we hit our maximum, we create a waiting list and will offer spots if they become available.
Yes, we do offer on-site co-curricular activities at the end of the school day. These programs are typically offered for our Elementary and Middle School students. Offerings in past have included activities such as chess, drama, and martial arts, and programs include:
Details are distributed to families each term and registration is on a first-come first-served basis. Cost varies.
You will receive an email from the school detailing what is required and inviting you to re-register your child/children up until our deadline of January 31st. Those who complete all steps and documentation by the early-bird deadline will receive a special thank you gift. These not otherwise available items of Clanmore swag are always a crowd-pleaser, and our offerings are unique each year.
Our intake representatives should be contacted for eligible non-Clanmore siblings who you would like to register. These children are given first priority for spots after internal re-enrolment spots are filled.
Completed applications from members of the general public are considered after Jauary 31st and spots then available will be released to be filled.
Inspiring each individual child academically, intellectually, socially and emotionally, to optimally prepare them for life.